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Whānau Plans

One of our key strengths in staying safe through covid were the whānau isolation plans completed by nearly 300 local households. This helped us as a covid response service to plan better around what support our whānau needed. Manaaki Matakāoa are now growing this model to include 5 year hauora whānau plans, which will support our local whānau to consider and plan around their broad hauora goals. Our kaimanaaki will work closely with whānau to develop their plan, identify where we can help, and walk alongside the whānau as they work to achieve their hauora goals.

Hauora whānau plans draw from a Te Ao Māori approach and include: 

  • Physical, mental, spiritual and collective wellbeing goals

  • Cultural wellbeing including access to mātauranga, te reo me ōna tikanga

  • Environmental wellbeing including access to water, land, and healthy housing

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